Practice Page


Please use this page to practice unfamiliar functions of WordPress.  This will give you a place to try – textboxes, picture galleries, etc without using an actual page.

If you want something left for later work – just put your name and a note at the beginning and end.

Please leave  (MJN)

It’s time to build our future!       

Our Centennial Celebration – honoring our branch history from 1925 – 2025 – is underway! As part of this event, we have an opportunity to support a new Dutchess Community College endowment. It will provide an annual $1,000 scholarship to an entering student majoring in a STEM field. A generous,  anonymous donor has promised to match our funds, so every donation is doubled!

To make YOUR donation, please send a check payable to “Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW, Inc.” to PO Box 1908, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. Write DCC endowment in the memo line. To donate online, go to and click on Donate. Place DCC endowment in the notes.

We hope to announce our new scholarship during a special event in December. Your help in meeting our goal is appreciated!








This is a document with standard that I have found work – I will try to keep this updated but do remind me.  Margaret Nijhuis

Site Resources Standards