Local Public Policy Chair: Pat DeLeo board.aauw.poughkeepsie@gmail.com
Check here before each election
Find Your Voting Location/District Find your New York State and Congressional districts, if you are registered, your voting location and directions to your polling place here
Your Representatives
Send a message by email or regular USPS letters to the President, your Congressmen, and State and Local elected officials.
New York State Senators
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. – (D – NY)
478 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Contact: www.gillibrand.senate.gov/contact/email-me
Website: https://www.gillibrand.senate.gov/
Office locations and phone numbers: https://www.gillibrand.senate.gov/office-locations/
Schumer, Charles E. – (D – NY)
322 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
Website and office locations and phone numbers: https://www.schumer.senate.gov/
Local Member of the House of Representatives
Patrick Ryan
District 18
Website and office locations and phone numbers: https://patryan.house.gov/
Mike Lawler
District 17
Website and office locations phone numbers: https://lawler.house.gov/
New York State
Rob Rolison 39th District, 518-455-2945, rolison@nysenate.gov
Michelle Hinchey 41st District, 845-331-3810, hinchey@nysenate.gov
Sarahana Shrestha 103rd District, 518-455-5576, shresthas@nyassembly.gov
Jonathan Jacobson 104th District, 518-455-5762, jacobsonj@nyassembly.gov
Anil Beephan 105th District, 518-455-5725, beephana@nyassembly.gov
Didi Barrett 106th District, 518-455-5177, barrettd@nyassembly.gov
AAUW Public Policy Program
The Public Policy Program is the cornerstone of our mission to promote gender equity for women and girls. Through this program, AAUW has been primarily responsible for all legislation passed in favor of women in the last 100 years. The success of this program depends on a synergistic relationship between the national organization and its thousands of branches, including our own. The Poughkeepsie Branch has been active in speaking out on legislation and policies that are important to women and girls.
AAUW Association Public Policy Issues
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