DCC Scholarships

Dutchess Community College Scholarships

Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW, Inc.
A non-profit organization 501(C)(3)

Contact: Betty Harrel, Development Vice President    board.aauw.poughkeepsie@gmail.com

AAUW Centennial Endowment Fund
a legacy for our next 100 years”

Our fund drive will run from October 2024 to November 2025.  Click on the donate button below to use your credit card / PayPal or write a check payable to Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW and mail to Diane Jablonski, 5312 Merlot Drive, Highland, NY 12528. Form for your use. Questions: 845-462-2141 or board.aauw.poughkeepsie@gmail.com.

To donate by credit card or PayPal, select the PayPal/Donate button below, follow the onscreen directions. When PayPal has a box to Add a note to your donation, click in that box and type “DCC Endowment,” your phone number and your full name. You do not need a PayPal account, you can use your credit card at the PayPal site.

PayPal ButtonThis endowment is being established at Dutchess Community College (DCC) for an entering student in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field. Once the funds are raised, the endowment will generate an annual $1,000 AAUW scholarship. A Matching funds grant for up to $20,000 is being donated by a generous, anonymous member.


2024 DCC Scholarship Recipients

Amani Deloatch

I am truly honored. This award will allow me to continue my educational journey seeking a degree in social work. I am humbled to be recognized and supported by a group of women that acknowledge my academic success. As a first generation college graduate this means a lot to me. I hope in the future I am able to pass down this act of kindness to support women in education like you.

 Mackenzie Ean

As a post-traditional student who has to fully support themself while in school, receiving this award is incredibly beneficial in allowing me to continue to puruse my goal to become an Elementary school teacher. As I find myself struggling with work-school balance, this awarded scholarship will lessen my worries. Thank you so much.

2024 Trudy Hankinson Briggs AAUW Scholarship

 Renad Eljamal

I am extremely grateful to the DCC Foundation for the opportunity, and Mr. Kenneth Briggs for his generosity. This scholarship will be very helpful as I continue my degree and reach my goal in the MLT program. Thank you for your support and I will continue with my best foot forward to use this award to be the best student I can be. 

2023 DCC Scholarship Recipients

Shernette Bourdier 

I would sincerely like to thank the American Association of University Women for giving me this scholarship opportunity. It is indeed a pleasure to recognize that I was chosen for this scholarship and do take pride in the fact that as a woman, I am being supported by other women on my path towards further advancement of my education. This scholarship will be put to use by helping me to purchase books on my next chapter. Thank you all so much. 

Athena Xenakis

I am deeply honored to have been awarded this scholarship, as it validates the unwavering strength and dedication I have exhibited in the last 2 years to become a Registered Nurse. As I embark on the journey towards a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, I embrace the challenges ahead while expressing my sincere gratitude for this financial relief that I have been fortunate to receive. Thank you for helping me forge a purposeful path in this world!

2023 Trudy Hankinson Briggs AAUW Scholarship

Thomas Paulet

I am incredibly grateful and honored to be the recipient of this scholarship. Your generous support is truly life-changing, as it not only alleviates my financial burden but also empowers me to focus on my educational pursuits and reach my fullest potential. This opportunity will undoubtedly pave the way for my academic and professional success, and I am committed to making the most of it. Thank you for investing in my future and for believing in my potential to make a difference in this world. 

The Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW was involved in the initial efforts to create a community College in Dutchess County which resulted in the establishment of Dutchess Community College. For many years the Branch has awarded two $600 scholarships to non-traditional women students graduating from DCC and continuing their education at a four year institution.

One of these scholarships is covered by an endowment fund formed in 2011. You can see the details for this endowment below.

The Branch will continue to award a second $600 scholarship through our annual fund raising efforts and personal contributions. If you would like to contribute to the scholarship, please select the “Donate” button above.

Endowment Fund

In 2009, the Branch established an endowment fund to ensure at least one Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW scholarship would be awarded annually by DCC in perpetuity.

As of May 2011, an initial scholarship had been assured. DCC will grant an annual $500 scholarship from the interest on the endowment, and, if necessary, make up the difference from its own non-restricted fund raising efforts.

DCC current enrollment has grown to over 10,000 students and many of these students will continue their educations elsewhere and be in need of tuition assistance.

In November 2011, the endowment was increased to $12,000 so that a $600 scholarship will be awarded annually from the endowment.

Details of earlier recipients of our DCC Scholarship have been archived and are available from the branch historian.