The Power of Membership in AAUW
How to Join/Renew
When you join the Poughkeepsie Branch of AAUW, you are also joining AAUW of New York State, and National AAUW. The total annual dues for joining all three levels of AAUW is $97.00 and entitles you to local and state newsletters and participation in all Branch activities. National AAUW’s database, the Community Hub, allows new members to create an account and join AAUW.
Greetings from Poughkeepsie AAUW President,
Celia Serotsky
New Members – How to Join AAUW
Current Members –
How to Renew Your Membership
Local Membership Profile (link to form only not membership form) –
2025 Branch Profile
After joining, new members please fill out the local branch profile and send to contact below.
Renewing members if there are changes to your information or interests, please update your branch profile and send to Kathy Friedman at or mail it to her at 118 Kingwood Park, Poughkeepsie, NY.
Dues: contact Kathy Friedman 845/485-8671 or
General membership questions: contact Membership VP Bonnie Auchincloss at
We look forward to meeting our new members and seeing everyone at our many Branch activities.
Branch Information
Please spend time on our website to learn more about our amazing organization. There are 18 interest groups, 3 scholarship funds, 4 community initiatives, 3 board committees, 10 membership meetings per year and 2 to 3 special events during the year. You will find information about all of this on the pages of our website.