AAUW Centennial Endowment Fund
“a legacy for our next 100 years”
Our fund drive will run from October 2024 to November 2025. Click on the donate button below to use your credit card / PayPal or write a check payable to Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW and mail to Diane Jablonski, 5312 Merlot Drive, Highland, NY 12528. Form to accompany your donation. Questions: 845-462-2141 or
To donate by credit card or PayPal, select the PayPal/Donate button below, follow the onscreen directions. When PayPal has a box to Add a note to your donation, click in that box and type “DCC Endowment,” your phone number and your full name. You do not need a PayPal account, you can use your credit card at the PayPal site.
This endowment is being established at Dutchess Community College (DCC) for an entering student in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field. Once the funds are raised, the endowment will generate an annual $1,000 AAUW scholarship. A Matching funds grant for up to $20,000 is being donated by a generous, anonymous member.
Dutchess Community College: Each year two scholarships are awarded to students graduating from Dutchess Community College and continuing in a 4-year college programs. Students are selected by the Dutchess Community College Foundation with a focus on students who are committed to the continuing education of women.
The branch helps fund the Irene Keyes Fund scholarships for the AAUW leadership conference (NCCWSL – National Conference for College Women Student Leaders).
AAUW Funds: Donations are sent annually to the AAUW Fund. The awards are named to honor members of the Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW for their service to our organization.
The AAUW Poughkeepsie Branch community initiatives include Days for Girls, Leading to Reading, Court Watch and Extending Girls Horizons.
Days for Girls addresses the lack of feminine hygiene products for those who live in developing countries, refugee camps and places in the local community. They also distribute kits to food pantries, Day One Early Learning Communities, some schools.
Leading to Reading distributes books to children from low- and moderate-income families and provides reading opportunities for all ages.
Extending Girls’ Horizons offers a variety of stand-alone monthly events on leadership and STEAM to girls in grades 6-12 throughout Dutchess County.
Court Watch promotes the equitable and fair treatment of women who are victims of domestic violence.
Donations can be sent to:
Diane Jablonski, 5312 Merlot Drive, Highland NY 12528
Form to accompany your donation.
Make your donation by Credit Card Through PayPal
Select the PayPal/Donate button below, follow the onscreen directions. When PayPal has a box to Write a Note, click in that box and type “Donation to (selected Fund),” your phone number and your full name. You do not need a PayPal account, you can use your credit card at the PayPal site.
Questions: Betty Harrel
Information as PDF for easy printing
Development Committee
Development VP and Chair of the Committee:
Betty Harrel
The Poughkeepsie AAUW Development Committee with the guidance of the Vice President of Development oversees the funding to support the overall AAUW mission. This includes overall coordination of contributions and donations to support the local Branch mission and initiatives and support for the broader AAUW National giving programs.
To ensure this directive the committee:
- Provides guidance on ways our organization raises money for scholarships.
- Oversees the efforts of our community service initiatives to raise funds.
- Works to allocate the funds raised by the organization for scholarships and initiatives.
- Reports to the membership on National AAUW and AAUW-New York State funding news.
Volunteers are welcome! Please contact the Chair.