AAUW Family Court Monitoring Initiative
“If you or an acquaintance are experiencing domestic violence and need help, call this local 24-Hour Hotline; (845) 485-5550.”
Chair: Ann Pinna initiative.aauw.poughkeepsie@gmail.com
MISSION: AAUW firmly believes that the prevention of violence towards women and children and the fair and thoughtful treatment of victims within the court system are integral to our mission to promote gender equity. For this reason, The “Stand Up to Domestic Violence Initiative”, now known as “Court Watch” was created in 2010.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to document systemic issues in the local justice system that result in the re-victimization of those who have suffered domestic abuse.
GOAL: Court Watch seeks to promote greater accountability by observing judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, and other justice system personnel and to share these findings with members of the judicial system and the community in order to keep victims safe, bring about improvements in the courts, and to promote fair and equal justice for all.
What Court Monitors Do: Court Monitors go into Dutchess County Family Court and observe, either in person or virtually, court proceedings related to domestic violence issues. Court Monitors fill out specially designed Observation Forms and submit them for Data Entry. The data is collected, results are analyzed, and findings are shared with judges, court personnel, and, oftentimes, the community to bring about improvement in the courts where necessary and appropriate.
Issues of Concern: Court Monitors look for systemic “issues of concern” which may involve demeanor in the courtroom, accommodations for special needs, victim safety, clarity of proceedings, firearms, clear delineation of items in the Orders of Protection, and others.
Time Commitment: Monitors attend Family Court at least one half day per month for either an entire morning or afternoon session and observe several cases. Attendance in court is according to a prearranged schedule. While in court, Monitors are required to fill out separate Observation Forms for each case they witness and submit their forms each month for Data Entry. In addition, Monitors are required to attend special informational meetings to listen to experts in the field of domestic violence, update information, and participate in Group-Share sessions.
Training: Training sessions are mandatory and are conducted at designated times of the year.
To Join the Court Watch Team: Anyone seriously wishing to become a specially trained Court Monitor and commit to stringent guidelines and requirements are asked to contact Ann Pinna at initiative.aauw.poughkeepsie@gmail.com. Training sessions are announced as needs arise.
Court Monitors enjoy an AAUW function: L to R Joanne Dyson, Sandy Lash, Mara Goldstone, Liz Graham, Flo Mondanaro, Margaret Nijhuis and Ann Pinna
Achievements of 2024
- Crafting of a new, more efficient Observation Form for utilization by monitors inside the courtroom
- Creation of a new database for entering, collating and assessing Observation Form data
- Appointment of a new data entry person
- Welcome addition of new monitors to the Court Watch Monitoring Team
- Reaffirmation and Commitment to the Goals & Mission of the Court Watch Initiative
Downloadable Descriptions of Domestic Violence Facts
The Dynamics of Domestic Violence
What exactly is Domestic Violence
Source: National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Scenes from a Monitor Training Session
- Ann Pinna, Chair
- The training session begins
- A long day of questions and good information
Forms/Information for Monitors
Court Monitoring Form 2024
Print copies as needed
Web calendar for DC family court
Court Information
In addition to ongoing observations and communications with the courts:
Court Watch partnered with the Fund for Modern Courts in 2016, collaborating for 18 months attempting to make improvements in the court system. The report from this collaboration resulted in the presentation of the Samuel J. Duboff Memorial Award for outstanding contributions by non-lawyer volunteers in improving the New York State Courts to Poughkeepsie Branch of the AAUW Court Watch Initiative.
The award was presented at Dorsey & Whitney LLP, New York City. Poughkeepsie AAUW members Margaret Nijhuis, Ann Pinna, Chair of the Court Watch Initiative, Mara Goldstone and Sandy Lash are shown receiving the award from Barry Bohrer, Chair of the Fund for Modern Courts.
Court Watch has also lent their ideas and skills to various groups in the U.S. and Canada who were seeking to establish their own Court Watch programs in their own locales.