Donations for the Work of AAUW
There are many opportunities in AAUW for you to contribute to a very worthwhile project, event or fund. This is one way you can support that effort even if you are unable to participate directly.
We welcome your contributions and remind you that Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW is a 501(c)(3) organization making all contributions tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
If you wish to contribute by check, select the fund below, click on the “Donate” button and you will find a form to print with mailing directions.
or by Credit Card
Select the yellow PayPal donate button below, follow the onscreen directions. Where it asks for “Other Amount” put in the amount you want to contribute. Where PayPal asks for “Add a note to your donation”, click there and type the fund to which you want to contribute (you may just contribute to Essential Needs – Poughkeepsie AAUW), your phone number and full name. Your contribution details will be forwarded to the AAUW treasurer. You may select to use your personal credit card instead of a PayPal account at this same site.

Contribution Opportunities
Essential Needs
Funds are distributed among all Community Service Initiatives, Scholarships and Branch needs.
We encourage this selection so that local needs can be met.
Local Scholarships
Centennial Endowment Fund
An endowment is being established at Dutchess Community College (DCC) for an entering student in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field. Once the funds are raised, the endowment will generate an annual $1,000 AAUW scholarship. Matching funds are being donated by a generous, anonymous member.
Poughkeepsie Branch AAUW Inc. Irene Keyes Memorial Fund
Each year the Irene Keyes Memorial Fund offers a scholarship to one young woman to attend the NCCWSL (National Conference of College Women Student Leaders) conference. The grant provides for the programming, housing and meals for the Washington, DC event.
More information
Dutchess Community College (DCC) Scholarship Fund
Each year the Poughkeepsie Branch offers two $600 scholarships to non-traditional women students graduating from DCC and continuing their education at a four year institution. More information
National AAUW Funds/Scholarships
Contributions may be made directly to AAUW Funds: here
However, we encourage you to use the information below as Poughkeepsie AAUW will also be credited with your contribution.
AAUW Greatest Needs Fund (9110)
Allows AAUW the flexibility to respond rapidly to new and emerging challenges facing women and girls and to utilize your gift where it’s needed most. This fund ensures the strength, relevance, and viability of AAUW into the future. More information
AAUW Education and Training Fund (4450)
Addresses the barriers and implicit biases that hinder the advancement of women by championing equal access to education and ensuring that education at every level is free from sex discrimination. Examples of programs include: Fellowships Alumnae Initiatives, Fellowships and Grants, Public Policy, Research. More information
Economic Security Fund (4449)
Ensures livelihoods for women through achieving pay equity for women, providing training in salary negotiation, and deepening women’s retirement security and quality of life. Examples of programs include: Start Smart, Work Smart, Work Smart Online, Legal Advocacy Fund. More information
Leadership Fund (4452)
Supports the effort to close the gender gap in leadership opportunities by bolstering the participation of and increasing the number of girls and women in leadership roles, particularly in education and nonprofit organizations. Examples of programs include: Campus Action Projects, Empower, NCCWSL. More information
Community Service Initiatives
Court Watch
AAUW promotes the equitable and fair treatment of women who are victims of domestic violence. To ensure that victims are taken seriously and receive just treatment, AAUW has created a court monitoring project composed of trained volunteers who attend Family Court sessions in order to quantify various systemic problems within the court system. More information
Days for Girls
In June 2017, we began a project to address the lack of feminine hygiene products for girls who live in undeveloped countries and refugee camps. Working with the “Days for Girls” organization, we make long-lasting sustainable feminine hygiene kits. These kits will cut school absences (5-7 days/month) and in this way, reduce drop-outs and increase completion rates. More information
Leading to Reading
Started in 2004, the Leading to Reading project has distributed over 48,000 books to local children from low and moderate income families. More information
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
AAUW supports educational programs for girls and young women to encourage the pursuit of studies and careers in STEM fields. More information
Newsletter & other communication expenses.